Friday, October 9, 2009

Good Smoke

Notes: Added 1 qt 2:1 sugar-water syrup; Inspected Hive; Lots of uncapped and capped brood; Some capped and uncapped honey

Today Julie joined me for my hive inspection. She is going to feed the girls while I am away. Thanks, Julie! The inspection went well. I didn't see the queen or eggs, but I did see loads of larva.

The first frame (closest to the follower board) is still not entirely drawn out, and they are using it for honey storage. When they first drew it out, they were using it for brood. The rest of the frames were a mix of brood, both capped and uncapped, and honey and pollen. The frame farthest from the follower board, which used to be 1/2 full of honey, is now completely cleaned out on one side and partially filled with brood and a little bit of capped honey on the other side. The frame just inside that is steadily being drawn out and has a mixture of capped and uncapped brood and pollen. The frames don't have model brood formation, but the combs are straight and there don't seem to be any signs of wax moth or varroa.

I'm getting much better at using the smoker. It used to be that I would get it lit and then not need it for 10 minutes, by which time the fire would have gone out or the smoke would be harsh. Today I had cool, white smoke curling out of the smoker for 1/2 an hour. It's beautiful to watch. Julie said it smelled like incense.

To get good smoke, I fill the smoker 2/3 with burlap and light it, close the lid and pump the bellows until smoke comes out indicating that there is a flame inside. Once I get a little flame, I smother it with pine needles, close the lid and pump the bellows until the smoke starts swirling out. Pretty simple, really.


  1. Where did you get the pine needles from?

  2. From the the backyard neighbor's pine tree, which drops needles in our yard.
