Friday, April 30, 2010

The Dwindling Apiary...kind of

I just said good-bye to the Old Hive and the Split. Mary, a lovely woman we met in the Beekeeping series at Green Gulch, is taking the bees to their new home in Oakland. It was a bitter-sweet moment saying good-bye to our first hive and parent colony. Now the backyard apriary is down to just the TBH. Can we still even call it an apiary?

While our backyard apiary is dwindling, the total number of hives under my charge doesn't seem to be changing much. Martin's apiary has gone from one hive to three in a matter of weeks!

Growing up in my family, there was never a shortage of cats. Our family maintained a stable population of four to five cats at all times--when one would kick the bucket or wander off, another one or two would show up looking for a meal and a bed. It would seem that bees are the new cats.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! Thanks for sharing your bee stories =) please help us spread the word about an upcoming lecture on California Native Bees:
